important information for students

important information for students

Important Information for Students


 january checklist

Important Contact Information:

Rowan University Military Services:

Education Benefits Hotline: 1-888-442-4551

Other VA Benefits (Local Regional Office):1-800-827-1000

Monthly Verification System (IVR): 1-877-823-2378

Direct Depoist Enrollment: 1-877-838-2778

VA Debt Management Center: 1-800-827-0648


Additional Resources

The Military Education and Veteran Services staff are sensitive to the needs of veterans and their families and strive to ensure that each student has the best opportunity to succeed individually and as part of the Rowan community. The staff is trained to work through processes to ensure the veteran receives entitled educational benefits, however if you need additional resources please reach out to our staff.



New Students

Welcome to Rowan!


Learn the process to qualify for benefits and what needs to be done every semester to ensure you recieve benefits.



You have a drill or orders that are going to impact school.

Work study

Work study positions eligible to students using Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits

Military Services Deferment

Instructions for the Military Services Deferment Agreement Enrollment